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My logback.xml is as follows:</tt><tt><br>
</tt><b><tt><appender name="SIFT"
</tt></b><b><tt> <sift></tt></b><b><tt><br>
</tt></b><b><tt> <appender name="FILE-Application"
</tt></b><b><tt> <rollingPolicy
</tt></b><b><tt> <!-- daily rollover --></tt></b><b><tt><br>
</tt></b><b><tt> </rollingPolicy></tt></b><b><tt><br>
</tt></b><b><tt> <encoder></tt></b><b><tt><br>
</tt></b><b><tt> <pattern>%date %X{req.remoteHost}
%X{sessionID} %X{userIDCookie} %X{userEmailID}
%X{req.requestURI} %level %logger{10} %msg%n</pattern></tt></b><b><tt><br>
</tt></b><b><tt> </encoder></tt></b><b><tt><br>
</tt></b><b><tt> </appender> </tt></b><b><tt><br>
</tt></b><b><tt> </sift></tt></b><b><tt><br>
</tt></b><b><tt><root level="debug"></tt></b><b><tt><br>
</tt></b><b><tt> <appender-ref ref="SIFT" /></tt></b><b><tt><br>
</tt><tt>My log4j.properties is as follows:</tt><tt><br>
</tt><b><tt>### direct log messages to stdout ###</tt></b><b><tt><br>
%5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n</tt></b><b><tt><br>
</tt></b><b><tt>### set log levels - for more verbose logging
change 'info' to 'debug' ###</tt></b><b><tt><br>
</tt></b><b><tt>log4j.rootLogger=debug, stdout</tt></b><b><tt><br>
</tt><tt>I have a problem where the roller over log writes the new
log in it.</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>For example, Lets keep on Sep 1 2014 log is written in
application.log and on the midnight the application.log.20140901
is rolled back and new log is still written in both
application.log.20140901 and application.log.. Then on September
02 midnight the application.log.20140902 is created and new logs
on September 3 is written in both application.log and
application.log.20140902.</tt><tt>., this way logs rolled back is
writing the new logs in them.</tt><tt> Thus the </tt><tt>application.log.20140901</tt><tt>
has logs of September 02 and </tt><br>
<tt>application.log.20140902 as logs on September 03.<br>
</tt><tt>I am using the 1.0.13 version of logback jar.</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>My app server is resin-3.0.22, web server is apache-2.2.22
and java version is jdk-1.5.</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>Please can you answer why this issue happens??</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>Shiva Ranjith .R</tt><tt><br>