[logback-user] Any advice ? duplicate messages with only asinglelogger in the logger context.

Ceki Gulcu listid at qos.ch
Tue Apr 15 15:07:39 CEST 2008

Hello Paul,

It should be possible to isolate the LoggingContext used by SimpleSocketServer 
without impacting the rest of your application.

The main method in SimpleSocketServer looks like:

   public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception {
     [snip] ...

     String configFile = argv[1];
     LoggerContext lc = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
     configureLC(lc, configFile);

     SimpleSocketServer sss = new SimpleSocketServer(lc, port);

you can change it to

public class MySimpleSocketServer {

   public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception {
     [snip] ...
     LoggerContext lcOther = new LoggerContext();
     SimpleSocketServer.configureLC(lcOther, configFile);

     SimpleSocketServer sss = new SimpleSocketServer(lcOther, port);

Let us know if the above is not clear or not applicable to your environment.

Gibbons, P (Paul) wrote:
> Unfortunately the proposed solution does not work as it changes the default logger context for the whole application rather than just for those messages received by SocketNode.  

Ceki Gülcü
QOS.ch is looking to hire talented developers in Switzerland.  If
interested, please contact c e k i @ q o s . c h

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