[logback-user] How do I get a list of configured loggers?

Gunnar Hillert gunnar at hillert.com
Wed Nov 12 19:57:02 CET 2008

Hello Ceki,

Thank you very much for the very helpful response! Turns out I was almost
there; just 'overlooked' the if statement for checking whether the logger
has a configured appender.

Also, just went through the exercise of converting my Maven project over to
use SLF4J and logback. It has been a very easy and pleasant process!


Thanks a lot!



Ceki Gulcu-2 wrote:
> Hello Gunnar,
> Logback and log4j are similar, albeit not identical, in the way they store 
> loggers. So I can't imagine why in one case you would get only the loggers
> you 
> configured and in the other "hundreds" of loggers, unless you search for
> the 
> loggers at different times during life cycle of your application. More 
> precisely, in the log4j case you were probably iterating on the loggers
> just 
> after log4j was configured and in the logback case later in the
> application life 
> cycle. Was that the case?
> Anyway, in logback, you can filter out non-configured loggers with the
> following 
> code:
>    List<String> findNamesOfConfiguredAppenders() {
>      LoggerContext lc = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
>      List<String> strList = new ArrayList<String>();
>      for (ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger log : lc.getLoggerList()) {
>        if(log.getLevel() != null || hasAppenders(log)) {
>          strList.add(log.getName());
>        }
>      }
>      return strList;
>    }
>    boolean hasAppenders(ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger logger) {
>      Iterator<Appender<LoggingEvent>> it = logger.iteratorForAppenders();
>      return it.hasNext();
>    }
> HTH,
> Gunnar Hillert wrote:
>> How do I get a list of configured loggers (In logback.xml)
>> programmatically?
>> e.g. I have the following loggers configured in my logback.xml file:
>> ...
>>   <logger name="org.springframework.security">
>>     <level value="DEBUG"/>
>>   </logger>
>>   <logger name="org.apache.struts">
>>     <level value="INFO"/>
>>   </logger>
>> ...
>> How do I get those loggers? (E.g. I like to dynamically inspect and
>> change
>> my setup loggers at runtime)
>> I was able to do this easily in Log4J but I seem to have issues doing so
>> in
>> logback. 
>> I thought I could do:
>>                 LoggerContext lc =
>> ((ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger)LOGGER).getLoggerContext();
>>                 List<String> strList = new ArrayList<String>();
>>                 Iterator<ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger> it =
>> lc.getLoggerList().iterator();
>>                 while(it.hasNext()) {
>>                   Logger log = it.next();
>>                   strList.add(log.getName());
>>                 }
>> But this basically adds hundreds of loggers but I only want the ones I
>> have
>> configured in my logback.xml file.
>> What do I miss here?
>> Thanks a lot!
>> Gunnar
> -- 
> Ceki Gülcü
> Logback: The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for
> Java.
> http://logback.qos.ch
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