[logback-user] SocketAppender application property

Ralph Goers rgoers at apache.org
Wed Aug 19 23:41:56 CEST 2009

Out of curiosity, why does ILoggingEvent reference LoggerContextVO?  I  
would have thought you would have created an interface named  
ILoggerContext and had the ILoggingEvent interface reference that  
instead of a concrete implementation.


On Aug 19, 2009, at 7:41 AM, Ceki Gulcu wrote:

> Hello Hauke,
> For application-wide values, you don't need to use MDC. Logback offers
> a better suited alternative in the form of context properties. Every
> logger is attached to a context, you can obtain it as:
> LoggerContext lc = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
> you can then write:
> lc.putProperty("key", "val");
> Context properties can also be set via configuration files. See
> http://logback.qos.ch/manual/configuration.html#variableSubstitution
> Moreover, every logging event generated by logback will contain the
> properties contained in the context, i.e. they are available to all
> appenders. Context information is also serialized with each outgoing
> logging event.
> If you are only interested in setting the name of the application, you
> can set the name of the context in the configuration file. See
> http://logback.qos.ch/manual/configuration.html#contextName
> The %contextName conversion word in PatternLayout will output the name
> of the logger context.
> I think the above meets the requirements you mentioned, doesn't it?
> HTH,
> haukex wrote:
>> Hi Ralph,
>> Thanks for the information, I was also thinking about writing some  
>> custom
>> code to insert the value in the MDC myself, but I was hoping this  
>> might be
>> supported out-of-the-box :) Since the value really is application- 
>> wide, it
>> makes more sense to me as something to be configured in  
>> logback.xml... I was
>> thinking of writing a custom filter that does nothing but set this  
>> value in
>> the MDC, but that seems a little wasteful.
>> Regards,
>> -- Hauke D
>> rgoers wrote:
>>> In my organization we use a mechanism very similar to that shown in
>>> http://www.slf4j.org/extensions.html#event_logger . SLF4J doesn't  
>>> provide standard key names or methods for common  fields, but you  
>>> can easily create a wrapper of the MDC to do this. We  have a  
>>> class called RequestContext that does exactly that. All our   
>>> applications use that class to access the data in the MDC.
>>> Ralph
> -- 
> Ceki Gülcü
> Logback: The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework  
> for Java.
> http://logback.qos.ch
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