[logback-user] Wrong Encoding in SMTPAppender

Ceki Gulcu ceki at qos.ch
Fri Jan 16 11:10:02 CET 2009

Hello Alex,

Regarding jira, although not a requirement, it would be easier to conduct this 
discussion if you were registered (in jira).

Anyway, support for charset encoding in SMTPAppender was introduced in logback 
0.9.14. You reported using logback 0.9.11. Could you please try with the latest 
version of logback, namely 0.9.14?

I am using a modified version of chapter4.mail.EMail application. See [1] for 
actual code. This application is quite trivial. It configures logback, and logs 
several debug messages followed by an error message. I modified the code so that 
messages contained special characters with accents.

An edited version of a resulting mail as received by my mail client 
(Thunderbird) is attached to this message.

At this stage, I suggest that you upgrade to logback 0.9.14 and if that does not 
work, send us a resulting message in the form of a file.


[1] http://logback.qos.ch/xref/chapter4/mail/EMail.html

alex wrote:
> Sorry Ceki ,
> I give you more information for debug if possible :
> The code run on Resin 3.1.6 using java, logback 0.9.11., slf4j 
> ver 1.5.5 and using Thunderbird to read
> Do you use a stand alone application to test it ? Is possible to have 
> the code for test in my enviroment ?
> Thanks a lot for all
> PS Sorry I do not understand if is possible to me to continue on jiira 
> to continue the description.. Should I register to do that ?
> -- 
Ceki Gülcü
Logback: The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Java.
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