[logback-user] Dual licensing logback

ekkehard ekkehard at gentz-software.de
Thu Sep 17 22:36:55 CEST 2009

great idea
for me the EPL fits much better into my own (EPL) licensing

and it will be easier for eclipse-projects to use logback if its 
licensed by EPL


Ceki Gulcu schrieb:
> Hello all,
> After a very long investigation resulting in a better understanding of
> licensing issues, I think dual-licensing logback under EPL 1.0 and
> LGPL 2.1 would help with the project's adoption.
> Licensees can then choose either the terms of the EPL or the terms of
> the LGPL when they use logback.  The EPL license will placate
> organizations which refuse the restrictions imposed by the LGPL
> whereas the LGPL license ensures continuity in licensing and also
> keeps the door open for licensees already bound by the terms of
> (L)GPL.
> Comments?
> ps. If you intend to respond, please do so on logback-users at .

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