[logback-user] Is there a Junit appender?

Chris Helck Chris.Helck at us.icap.com
Wed Apr 28 22:58:26 CEST 2010

Never mind. The config file


Does the trick. 

-----Original Message-----
From: logback-user-bounces at qos.ch [mailto:logback-user-bounces at qos.ch] On Behalf Of Chris Helck
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 4:28 PM
To: logback users list
Subject: Re: [logback-user] Is there a Junit appender?

Is there a way to do the equivilent of LoggingContext.reset() from a config file? The module I'm working in has hundreds of tests, I'd hate to have to add reset() to each file. 



-----Original Message-----
From: logback-user-bounces at qos.ch [mailto:logback-user-bounces at qos.ch] On Behalf Of Ceki Gülcü
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 3:31 PM
To: logback users list
Subject: Re: [logback-user] Is there a Junit appender?

On 28/04/2010 9:10 PM, Chris Helck wrote:
> Thanks, this seems to be what I'm looking for, but I'm having a few problems.
> 1. I've checked the source code and I only see ListAppender being used in AppenderTrackerTest and StringListAppender. You said it's is used extensively, am I missing something?

You should also look in logback-classic not just logback-core.

> 2. Below is my code. It seems to work, but now the tests are echo'ing all log messages to stdout. Prior to this change the messages were going to SLF4j's NOP binding. I suspect this is because the Logback classic jar is on the classpath and is getting picked up. Long story short, I don't want log messages echo'd to stdout when running tests. Any ideas?

That's the default logback configuration kicking in. You can either create a LoggingContext per unit test, which is what logback's own unit tests do, or reset the default logger context, the one returned by LoggerFactory. Here is the code to reset the default logger context.

LoggerContext lc = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();

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