[logback-user] Getting tomcat logs through Logback

Pradnya Gawade pradnya.gawade7 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 2 18:54:29 CET 2010


I want to get the tomcat logs through logback. I got following
reference related to it and planning to try it, the only difference in
my case would be a Syslog appender instead of a log file:

This approach required doing some changes in tomcat lib directory etc.

I know Logback provides bridging to legacy APIs like java.util.logging

I used jul-to-slf4j bridge to get the liquibase logs into my web
application log file. Similarly does Logback provide some thing to get
tomcat logs through logback. It is OK with me to get the copy of
tomcat logs and tomcat also logging to to its own log files
separately. Tomcat uses common logging internally. If I could get some
way in which user don't have to make any changes in the tomcat
configuration before/after the application deployment then it will  be
great. Any inputs?


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