[logback-user] Jetty conflict

Aleksey Didik didik at magenta-technology.ru
Thu Feb 4 09:58:11 CET 2010

I have checked sonar bundle with embedded jetty, they use the same as 
you suggest.
WAR have slf4j + logback libs and Embedded Jetty libs have slf4j + 
logback libs.
Looks like it will be my solution too.

 > Jetty used to have the opposite class loading order, i.e. parent-first

But if is it truth, it's a straight way to have problems like mine, 
isn't it?


04.02.2010 12:41, Ceki Gülcü пишет:
> Assuming jetty uses child-first a.k.a. local-first class loading 
> order, I would recommend to bundle slf4j and logback jar in your war 
> file.
> Jetty used to have the opposite class loading order, i.e. 
> parent-first, but I am  under the impression that it changed to 
> local-first class loading in recent versions.
> BTW, Tomcat uses local-first class loading by default.
> HTH,
> On 04/02/2010 9:28 AM, Aleksey Didik wrote:
>> Hello Ceki,
>> Thanks for explanation. It's clear now.
>> I'll try to make something with this situation.
>> Aleksey.
>> 03.02.2010 21:46, Ceki Gulcu пишет:
>>> Hello Aleksey,
>>> I am not totally surprised by what you describe. According to the java
>>> laguage specification (JLS) two classes loaded by distinct class
>>> loaders are deemed incompatible even if the classes are bitwise
>>> identical.
>>> When the jetty class loader loads ch.qos.classic.Logger it also needs
>>> to load org.slf4j.Logger which it can, and does. When the
>>> ch.qos.classic.Logger is returned to your web-application as a
>>> org.slf4j.Logger as requested by your web-application, the returned
>>> Logger is not compatible with the expected Logger, even if they are
>>> both of type org.slf4j.Logger. Your web-application expects it to be
>>> loaded by the web-app's class loader but the returned instance is 
>>> loaded
>>> by the jetty class loader, hence the error you observe.
>>> HTH,
>>> On 03.02.2010 18:36, Aleksey Didik wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I have caught a problem of using embedded Jetty and slf4j, may be you
>>>> can help me.
>>>> Jetty tell me this one:
>>>> java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving
>>>> method
>>>> "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder.getLoggerFactory()Lorg/slf4j/ILoggerFactory;" 
>>>> the
>>>> class loader (instance of 
>>>> org/eclipse/jetty/webapp/WebAppClassLoader) of
>>>> the current class, org/slf4j/LoggerFactory, and the class loader
>>>> (instance of sun/misc
>>>> /Launcher$AppClassLoader) for resolved class,
>>>> org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder, have different Class objects for 
>>>> the
>>>> type org/slf4j/ILoggerFactory used in the
>>>> signature [main o.e.j.u.l.Slf4jLog.warn:111]
>>>> I have next jars:
>>>> Embedded Jetty classpath:
>>>> slf4j-api-1.5.10.jar
>>>> logback-classic-0.9.18.jar
>>>> War libs:
>>>> slf4j-api-1.5.10.jar
>>>> But I add
>>>> slf4j-api-1.5.10.jar
>>>> logback-classic-0.9.18.jar
>>>> to WAR libs and delete
>>>> logback-classic-0.9.18.jar
>>>> from jetty classpath, all work fine.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Aleksey Didik
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