[logback-user] Problem with Syslog appender

Pradnya Gawade pradnya.gawade7 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 22 17:45:01 CEST 2010

One more question, with your specified way, appURL etc can be sent in
the message. I am looking if this information can be sent in any of
the syslog standard parameters other than message. The purpose is that
it will be easier for the person analyzing the logs to just
sort/filter on the separate parameters rather than looking to parse
the actual log messages. I have very limited knowledge about the
SYSLOG format. Any inputs on this?


On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Ceki Gulcu <ceki at qos.ch> wrote:
> On 22.10.2010 17:02, Pradnya Gawade wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have following requirements when sending the log from a java web
>> application to syslog server:
>> 1. When logging the stack trace in case of exceptions, all the stack
>> strace should be seen as a single message.
> Logback does not support this feature. Please create a jira issue asking for
> it.
>> 2. Need to send either or all of the following information in logs- name
>> of the web application, URL, version of the application.
> Via MDC
> =======
> Add the following code when your web-app starts:
> MDC.put("appName", ...);
> MDC.put("appURL", ...);
> MDC.put("appVersion", ...);
> In logback.xml:
> <appender name="SYSLOG" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.net.SyslogAppender">
>   <SuffixPattern>%mdc{appName} %mdc{appURL} %mdc{appVersion} %logger
> %msg</SuffixPattern>
> </appender>
> By system properties
> ====================
> Set the following system properties:
> -DappName=... -DappURL=... -DappVersion
> In logback.xml:
> <appender name="SYSLOG"
> class="ch.qos.logback.classic.net.SyslogAppender">
>   <SuffixPattern>%property{appName} %property{appURL}
> %property{appVersion} %logger  %msg</SuffixPattern>
> </appender>
>> As per my knowledge, Syslog appender of Logback doesnot fit to above
>> requirements. I am also looking for any other logging APIs which can
>> satisfy these requirements. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
>> - Pradnya
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