[logback-user] Aspect & NDC

José Juan Montiel josejuan.montiel at eurobits.es
Fri Feb 4 08:56:58 CET 2011


i'm implementing a loggin via AspectJ in a Maven project.

My aspect class is something like this...

public aspect TraceMethodCalls {

    static Marker ASPECTJ_TRACE_ENTER =

    final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TraceMethodCalls.class);

    TraceMethodCalls() {

    pointcut traceMethods()
        //give me all method calls of every class with every visibility
        : (execution(* *.*(..))
        //give me also constructor calls
        || execution(*.new(..)))
        && !execution(* toString(..)) && !execution(* hashCode(..))
        //stop recursion don't get method calls in this aspect class itself
        && !within(TraceMethodCalls);

    //advice before: do something before method is really executed
    before() : traceMethods() {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            //get info about captured method and log it
            Signature sig = thisJoinPointStaticPart.getSignature();

            logger.trace(ASPECTJ_TRACE_ENTER, "---> [" + sig.toShortString()
+ "]");


    //advice before: do something before method is really executed
    after() returning (Object o): traceMethods() {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            //get info about captured method and log it
            Signature sig = thisJoinPointStaticPart.getSignature();

            logger.trace(ASPECTJ_TRACE_ENTER, "<--- [" + sig.toShortString()
+ "]");


and logback appender

   <appender name="ASPECTJ_TRACE_ENTER"
        <filter class="ch.qos.logback.core.filter.EvaluatorFilter">
                    (marker != null) &amp;&amp;


        <!-- full stacktrace para las excepciones -->
            <Pattern>%date %-5level - cn=%contextName - [%thread] -




I see that that support to NDC is disabled in logback, how could i implement
a TAB of this messages without NCD?



Jose Juan Montiel Martinez
Eurobits Technologies
Calle Musgo 3, 1ª Planta
28023 Madrid
T +34-917080300
F +34-913077480
josejuan.montiel at eurobits.es
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