[logback-user] problems with TimeBasedRollingPolicy

David Roussel nabble at diroussel.xsmail.com
Fri Jul 1 08:37:54 CEST 2011

Well the log a special line at 00:01, to force the roll, then filter it out when you copy the log file for analysis. 

Alternatively have a look in the logback source code and work out where you can add a thread to force the rollover event. 


On 30 Jun 2011, at 10:57, Leon Rosenberg <rosenberg.leon at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 11:44 AM, David Roussel
> <nabble at diroussel.xsmail.com> wrote:
>> What difference does the creation time of the log file make? Why is it important to you?
> Hello David,
> we have a cron job that copies the work-results from last day aka log
> file into a special data warehouse, where its analyzed by a bunch of
> analysts ;-)
> regards
> Leon
>> David
>> On 29 Jun 2011, at 17:17, Leon Rosenberg <rosenberg.leon at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanx for the reply, David.
>>> Is there another, less hackier way to do it?
>>> The problem with 'log-a-message' approach, is that this log file only
>>> contains events that really happened and is parsed and imported into
>>> another reporting tool.
>>> So if we start to log a message at 00:01, we have to force the people
>>> who write the reporting tool to ignore this special message type etc.
>>> I would prefer to keep things simpler, is there a possibility to force
>>> logging behavior without actually logging something? Like a log.nop()?
>>> ;-)
>>> Another possibility we were thinking about was to have a cron job
>>> performing touch on the logback.xml, which should also trigger
>>> rolling. Or wouldn't it not?
>>> Any other ideas?
>>> thanx in advance
>>> Leon
>>> On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 3:33 PM, David Roussel
>>> <nabble at diroussel.xsmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Yes it rolls on the first message. To force rolling, log a message.
>>>> On 28 Jun 2011, at 13:13, Leon Rosenberg <rosenberg.leon at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I have following logback rolling file appender configuration:
>>>>>    <appender name="DWHTextToolActionLogger"
>>>>>        class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
>>>>>        <file>${user.home}/data/inbound/csi/text_approval/xxx_text_approval.csv</file>
>>>>>        <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
>>>>>            <fileNamePattern>${user.home}/data/inbound/csi/text_approval/xxx_text_approval_%d{yyyy_MM_dd}.csv.gz</fileNamePattern>
>>>>>            <maxHistory>100</maxHistory>
>>>>>        </rollingPolicy>
>>>>>        <encoder>
>>>>>            <pattern>%m%n</pattern>
>>>>>        </encoder>
>>>>>    </appender>
>>>>>    <logger name="DWHTextToolActionLogger" additivity="false">
>>>>>        <level value="INFO" />
>>>>>        <appender-ref ref="DWHTextToolActionLogger" />
>>>>>    </logger>
>>>>> I would expect the log file to roll nightly, however, I only see
>>>>> following files:
>>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 xxx xxx 236K Jun 28 14:08 xxx_text_approval.csv
>>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 xxx xxx  39K Jun 22 08:21 xxx_text_approval_2011_06_21.csv.gz
>>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 xxx xxx  32K Jun 23 08:18 xxx_text_approval_2011_06_22.csv.gz
>>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 xxx xxx  35K Jun 24 07:52 xxx_text_approval_2011_06_23.csv.gz
>>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 xxx xxx  26K Jun 25 07:43 xxx_text_approval_2011_06_24.csv.gz
>>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 xxx xxx  41K Jun 26 07:50 xxx_text_approval_2011_06_25.csv.gz
>>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 xxx xxx  28K Jun 27 07:44 xxx_text_approval_2011_06_26.csv.gz
>>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 xxx xxx  57K Jun 28 08:12 xxx_text_approval_2011_06_27.csv.gz
>>>>> Is it misconfigured, or does the rolling actually happens at the first
>>>>> log message in the morning?
>>>>> If it's action based, how can i configure rolling to be triggered
>>>>> @midnight no matter how empty or full the log is?
>>>>> regards
>>>>> Leon
>>>>> p.s.
>>>>> version:
>>>>>                             <groupId>ch.qos.logback</groupId>
>>>>>                                <artifactId>logback-classic</artifactId>
>>>>>                                <version>0.9.28</version>
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