[logback-user] Add header-lines to each log file

Schoeftner, Thomas thomas.schoeftner at atos.net
Thu Oct 11 11:40:38 CEST 2012

Hi everyone,

one of our services is currently using a plain RollingFileAppender for logging to the file system.

A new requirement just popped up, which demands
to add a specific headline in each log file (on top of it)
to only add this information once (e.g. if my service gets restarted and logback picks up a pre-existing log-file)
not to automatically roll-over to a new log file if my service gets restarted (time windows and log-files need to correlate) - still only 1 headline per file.

I think this would be best solved on logback-configuration level, but I am not sure how.
I hope this is not an entirely uncommon need. - Maybe you can help.

Thanks a ton!

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