[logback-user] Logging stack traces to rsyslog with SysLogAppender

Samuel Le Berrigaud sleberrigaud at atlassian.com
Thu Aug 7 16:43:41 CEST 2014

Hi all,

I’ve configured the syslog appender successfully to output logs to rsyslog
as this is what we use in our dev and prod env. This works well but for one
thing. I don’t get stack traces at all.

Searching the inter webs I couldn’t find the solution to this. It seems
like others have the issue the other way around, which is rather amusing (I

My configuration of the syslog appender looks like this:

    <appender name="syslog"
        <suffixPattern>${syslog.program:-my-program}: %-5level - [%thread]

I’m using version 1.1.2 of logback classic (behind slf4j 1.7.7).

Any hint of where I should look is much appreciated.

Samuel Le Berrigaud.
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