[reload4j] Release of reload4j version

Ceki Gülcü ceki at qos.ch
Wed Jan 12 15:16:59 CET 2022

Hello all,

I am very happy to announce the immediate availability of reload4j
version It is intended as a drop-in replacement for log4j
version 1.2.17. By drop in, we mean the replacement of log4j.jar with
reload4j.jar in your build with no source code changes in .java files
being necessary.

Reload4j has the following Maven coordinates:


Reload4j was built using Java 8 but targets Java 1.5.

Version corrects the following issues:

The unit tests were updated but no actual code was changed except for
the removal of NTEventAppender and the correction of the following issues:

[REL-1] Standardize and sanitize project folder structure
[REL-2] CVE-2021-4104 (JMSAppender vulnerability)
[REL-3] CVE-2019-17571 (de-serialization vulnerability in SocketServer
aka CVE-2019-17571)
[REL-4] MDC breakage in newer JDKs

Project web-site: https://reload4j.qos.ch/
Source repository: https://github.com/qos-ch/reload4j
Jira:  https://jira.qos.ch/

With release we have addressed the most pressing issues
regarding log4j 1.x vulnerabilities.

Donations and sponsorship

You can also support SLF4J/logback/reload4j projects via donations and
sponsorship. We thank our current supporters and sponsors for their
continued contributions.

Sponsorship link:  https://github.com/sponsors/qos-ch?o=esb

Announcement mailing list:

You can receive SLF4J/logback/reload4j related announcements by
subscribing QOS.ch announce list, please visit the following URL.



Ceki Gülcü

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