[slf4j-dev] Re: Ignore method.

Greg Wilkins gregw at mortbay.com
Wed Jul 6 10:18:22 CEST 2005

As an example of why I want ignore:

> Hi Greg,
> I’m XXXXX and I work for YYYYYYYYYY; I just upgrade our older version of Jetty to the latest.
> And I’m seeing tons of these log messages:
> 11:47:17 07/05/05 Thread-13 FINEST org.mortbay.util.ThreadedServer ignore: IGNORED
> java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Accept timed out
>         java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketAccept(Native Method)
>         java.net.PlainSocketImpl.accept(PlainSocketImpl.java:384)
>         java.net.ServerSocket.implAccept(ServerSocket.java:450)
>         java.net.ServerSocket.accept(ServerSocket.java:421)
>         ...
> Based on one of your post:
> http://qaix.com/java-programming/57-549-java-net-sockettimeoutexception-accept-timed-out-read.shtml
> you mentioned that these are benign & are normal, but I’d like still to be able to suppress these. Is there a way to
> do it other than suppressing all FINEST level msgs?
> Thank you for your help…

This is because Jetty 5 currently gives the stack trace when commons logging has trace enabled.

Seeing the stack trace really is a cross cutting concern!


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