[slf4j-dev] using slf4j, nlog4j in Eclipse RCP

John Franey jjfraney at verizon.net
Tue Nov 22 21:07:31 CET 2005


I've created a logging prototype in the Eclipse rich client platform 
using slf4j and nlog4j.  I've written an article about it which is in 
its final draft.  I'm about to submit it to the editors of EclipseZone 
(http:www.eclipsezone.com), but there are some questions I'd like to ask 
your development team.

In the article, Eclipse plug-ins for the slf4j class libraries are 
created and introduced; one plug-in for each slf4j variant.  These 
plug-ins are interchangeable and so allows seperation between the 
application and logging framework.  Also, because slf4j contains a JCL 
implementation, the slf4j plug-ins can support other plug-ins that use 
JCL.  Way cool.  Thanks for the library.

First question: The name of the plug-ins incorporate the name of your 
organization: org.slf4j.  Is this OK?  Its a naming convention in 
Eclipse plug-ins; to name a plug-in after the java package that it 
implements.   For example, a plug-in for LOG4J logging would be called 
org.apache.log4j.   Also, 99.9% of the code in the plug-in originates 
from slf4j, not any other entity.  The only code that I provide are 
entries to a jar's MANIFEST.MF file.

Second question:  Its very easy for you to build and distribute your 
library as Eclipse plug-ins, incorporating the modifications detailed in 
the article.  It requires only OSGi entries in the jar file's 
MANIFEST.MF.  Would you be interested in doing this?

Third question:  I created a plug-in for an slf4j Logger implementation 
over the Eclipse RCP logging framework.  I used org.slf4j in the name of 
the plug-in only to keep it consistent with the other plug-in names in 
the article.  Is that OK?  Only the Logger, LoggerFactory and binding 
classes are contributed by me, the rest of the code is all yours and I'd 
like to maintain that credit belongs to you.

Fourth question:  Could I contribute the slf4j on Eclipse logging to 
your project?  One objection you may have is that there are build time 
dependencies on the Eclipse RCP libraries.


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