[slf4j-dev] svn commit: r1202 - slf4j/trunk/slf4j-site/src/site/pages

ceki at slf4j.org ceki at slf4j.org
Thu Oct 16 18:59:53 CEST 2008

Author: ceki
Date: Thu Oct 16 18:59:53 2008
New Revision: 1202


added missing file

Added: slf4j/trunk/slf4j-site/src/site/pages/legacy.html
--- (empty file)
+++ slf4j/trunk/slf4j-site/src/site/pages/legacy.html	Thu Oct 16 18:59:53 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xhtml1-20000126/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
+<title>Log4j Bridge</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="css/site.css" />
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+	<script>
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+  <script src="templates/left.js"></script>
+<div id="content">
+  <h1>Bridging legacy APIs</h1>
+  <p>Often, some of the components you depend on rely on a logging API
+  other than SLF4J. These components presumably will not switch to
+  SLF4J in the near future. SLF4J ships with several bridging modules
+  which redirect calls to log4j, JCL and j.u.l APIs to behave as if
+  they were made to the SLF4J API. The figure below illustrates the
+  idea.
+  </p>
+  <p></p>
+  <p></p>
+  <p><a href="images/bridging.png">
+    <img src="images/bridging.png" alt="click to enlarge" width="800"/>
+  </a></p>
+  <p>
+  </p>
+  <h2><a name="jcl-over-slf4j" href="#jcl-over-slf4j">Gradual migration to
+  SLF4J from Jakarta Commons Logging (JCL)</a></h2>
+  <h2><em>jcl-over-slf4j.jar</em></h2>
+  <p>To ease migration to SLF4J from JCL, recent SLF4J distributions
+  include the jar file <em>jcl-over-slf4j.jar</em>. This jar file is
+  intended as a drop-in replacement for JCL version 1.1.1. It
+  implements the public API of JCL but using SLF4J underneath, hence
+  the name "JCL over SLF4J."
+  </p>
+  <p>Our JCL over SLF4J implementation will allow you to migrate to
+  SLF4J gradually, especially if some of the libraries your software
+  depends on continue to use JCL for the foreseeable future. You can
+  immediately enjoy the benefits of SLF4J's reliability and preserve
+  backward compatibility at the same time. Just replace
+  <em>commons-logging.jar</em> with
+  <em>jcl-over-slf4j.jar</em>. Subsequently, the selection of the
+  underlying logging system will be done by SLF4J instead of JCL but
+  without the class loader headaches. The underlying logging system
+  can be any of NOP, simple, jdk14 logging, log4j or logback. Any
+  existing dependency on commons-logging therefore becomes less of an
+  issue.
+  </p>
+  <h2><em>slf4j-jcl.jar</em></h2>
+  <p>Some of our users after having switched to SLF4J API realize that
+  in some contexts the use of JCL is mandatory and their use of SLF4J
+  can be a problem. For this uncommon but important case, SLF4J offers
+  a JCL binding, found in the file <em>slf4j-jcl.jar</em>. The JCL
+  binding will delegate all logging calls made through SLF4J API to
+  JCL. Thus, if for some reason an existing application <em>must</em>
+  use JCL, your part of that application can still code against the
+  SLF4J API in a manner transparent to the larger application
+  environment. Your choice of SLF4J API will be invisible to the rest
+  of the application which can continue to use JCL.
+  </p>
+  <h2><em>jcl-over-slf4j.jar</em> should not be confused with
+  <em>slf4j-jcl.jar</em></h2>
+  <p>JCL-over-SLF4J, i.e. <em>jcl-over-slf4j.jar</em>, comes in handy
+  in situations where JCL needs to be supported for backward
+  compatibility reasons. It can be used to fix problems associated
+  with JCL, without necessarily adopting the SLF4J API, a decision
+  which can be deferred to a later time.
+  </p>
+  <p>On the other hand, <em>slf4j-jcl.jar</em> is useful
+  <strong>after</strong> you have already adopted the SLF4J API for
+  your component which needs to be embedded in a larger application
+  environment where JCL is a formal requirement. Your software
+  component can still use SLF4J API without disrupting the larger
+  application. Indeed, <em>slf4j-jcl.jar</em> will delegate all
+  logging decisions to JCL so that the dependency on SLF4J API by your
+  component will be transparent to the larger whole.
+  </p>
+  <p>Please note that <em>jcl-over-slf4j.jar</em> and
+  <em>slf4j-jcl.jar</em> cannot be deployed at the same time. The
+  former jar file will cause JCL to delegate the choice of the logging
+  system to SLF4J and the latter jar file will cause SLF4J to delegate
+  the choice of the logging system to JCL, resulting in an infinite
+  loop.
+  </p>
+  <h2><a name="log4j-over-slf4j" href="#log4j-over-slf4j">Log4j over
+  SLF4J</a></h2>
+  <p>SLF4J ship with a module called <em>log4j-over-slf4j</em>.  It
+  allows log4j users to migrate existing applications to SLF4J without
+  changing <em>a single line of code</em> but simply by replacing the
+  <em>log4j.jar</em> file with <em>log4j-over-slf4j.jar</em>, as
+  described below.
+  </p>
+  <h3>How does it work?</h3>
+  <p>The log4j-over-slf4j module contains replacements of most widely
+  used log4j classes, namely <code>org.apache.log4j.Category</code>,
+  <code>org.apache.log4j.Logger</code>,
+  <code>org.apache.log4j.Priority</code>,
+  <code>org.apache.log4j.Level</code>,
+  <code>org.apache.log4j.MDC</code>, and
+  <code>org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator</code>. These replacement
+  classes redirect all work to their corresponding SLF4J classes.
+  </p>
+  <p>To use log4j-over-slf4j in your own application, the first step
+  is to locate and then to replace <em>log4j.jar</em> with
+  <em>log4j-over-slf4j.jar</em>. Note that you still need an SLF4J
+  binding and its dependencies for log4j-over-slf4j to work properly.
+  </p>
+  <p>In most situtations, replacing a jar file is all it takes in
+  order to migrate from log4j to SLF4J.
+  </p>
+  <p>Note that as a result of this migration, log4j configuration
+  files will no longer be picked up. If you need to migrate your
+  log4j.properties file to logback, the <a
+  href="http://logback.qos.ch/translator/">log4j translator</a> might
+  be of help. For configuring logback, please refer to <a
+  href="http://logback.qos.ch/manual/index.html">its manual</a>.
+  </p>
+  <p>We are happy to report that several applications are
+  successfully using log4j-over-slf4j in production.
+  </p>
+  <h3>When does it not work?</h3>
+  <p>The <em>log4j-over-slf4j</em> module will not work when the
+  application calls log4j components that are not present in the
+  bridge.  For example, direct references to log4j appenders,
+  filters or PropertyConfigurator are not supported by
+  log4j-over-slf4j.  While the number of cases where
+  log4j-over-slf4j is insufficient is not completely negligible, in
+  the vast majority of cases where log4j is configured through a
+  configuration file, be it <em>log4j.properties</em> or
+  <em>log4j.xml</em>, log4j-over-slf4j is enough in order to migrate
+  your application to SLF4J.
+  </p>
+  <h3>What about the overhead?</h3>
+  <p>There overhead of using log4j-over-slf4j instead of log4j
+  directly is relatively small. Given that log4j-over-slf4j
+  immediately delegates all work to SLF4J, the CPU overhead should be
+  negligible, in the order of a few <em>nanoseconds</em>. There is a
+  memory overhead corresponding to an entry in a hashmap per logger,
+  which should be usually acceptable even for very large applications
+  consisting of several thousand loggers.  Moreover, if you choose
+  logback as your underlying logging system, and given that logback is
+  both much faster and more memory-efficient than log4j, the gains
+  made by using logback should compensate for the overhead of using
+  log4j-over-slf4j instead of log4j directly.
+  </p>
+  <h3>log4j-over-slf4j.jar and slf4j-logj12.jar cannot be present
+  simultaneously
+  </h3>
+  <p>The presence of <em>slf4j-logj12.jar</em>, that is the log4j
+  binding for SLF4J, will force all SLF4J calls to be delegated to
+  log4j. The presence of <em>log4j-over-slf4j.jar</em> will in turn
+  delegate all log4j API calls to their SLF4J equivalents. If both are
+  present simulatenously, slf4j calls will be delegated to log4j, and
+  log4j calls redirected to SLF4j, resulting in an endless recursion.
+  </p>
+  <h2><a name="jul-to-slf4j" href="jul-to-slf4j">JUL to SLF4J</a></h2>
+  <p>The jul-to-slf4j module includes a jul handler, namely
+  SLF4JBridgeHandler, that routes all incoming jul records to the
+  SLF4j API. See also <a
+  href="api/org/slf4j/bridge/SLF4JBridgeHandler.html">SLF4JBridgeHandler
+  javadocs</a>. Contrary to other bridging modules such as
+  jcl-over-slfj and log4j-over-slf4h, which re-implement JCL and
+  respectively log4j, the jul-to-slf4j modules does not re-implement
+  the java.util.logging package because packages under the java.*
+  namespace cannot be replaced.
+  </p>
+  <h3>jul-to-slf4j.jar and slf4j-jdk14.jar cannot be present
+  simultaneously
+  </h3>
+  <p>The presence of slf4j-jdk14.jar, that is the jul binding for
+  SLF4J, will force SLF4J calls to be delegated to jul. On the other
+  hand, the presence of jul-to-slf4j.jar, plus the installation of
+  SLF4JBridgeHandler, by invoking "SLF4JBridgeHandler.install()" will
+  route jul records to SLF4J. Thus, if both jar are present
+  simultanesouly (and SLF4JBridgeHandler is installed), slf4j calls
+  will be delegated to jul and jul records will be routed to SLF4J,
+  resulting in an endless recursion.
+  </p> 
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