[slf4j-dev] OSGi-over-slf4j docs

ceki ceki at qos.ch
Fri Sep 21 22:24:13 CEST 2012

You can document OSGi-over-slf4j by adding a new page in the docs. Here 
are some generic instructions for updating SLF4J docs:

The source for the documentation for the SLF4J project is formatted in
plain HTML.

Let $SLF4J_HOME denote the folder where your clone of SLF4J resides on
your local hard drive.  The documentation source is located under the
$SLF4J_HOME/slf4j-site/src/site/pages/ folder. You can view the
documentation in your browser as any other HTML file located on your
hard drive. Compared to the documentation on the SLF4J web-site,
loading the HTML from the source files will lack images but otherwise
should be close to the end-result.

To merge the images issue the "mvn compile site" command from the
$SLF4J_HOME/slf4j-site/ folder. The final result will be placed under
the $SLF4J_HOME/target/site/ folder. The contents of this folder are
in principle identical to the contents shown on the SLF4J
web-site. The same approach is used for managing documentation for all
QOS.ch projects, including logback, mistletoe, cal10n, etc.

Holler if you need further info,

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