[slf4j-dev] [JIRA] Updates for SLF4J-548: Loading services (plugins) with the caller's ClassLoader

QOS.CH (JIRA) noreply-jira at qos.ch
Sat Apr 30 17:47:00 CEST 2022

SLF4J / SLF4J-548 [Open]
Loading services (plugins) with the caller's ClassLoader


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pierre created this issue on 30/Apr/22 5:32 PM
Summary:              Loading services (plugins) with the caller's ClassLoader
Issue Type:           Improvement
Affects Versions:     1.8.0-beta4
Assignee:             SLF4J developers list
Components:           Core API
Created:              30/Apr/22 5:32 PM
Priority:             Major
Reporter:             pierre
  First of all congratulations and thank you for this excellent API.
  I want to use your Slf4j API in my JDBC driver for the Uno LibreOffice / OpenOffice API. I want to use it to redirect loggers from HsqlDB and H2 to the Uno Logger API, but I can't use it without modifying the slf4j-api.jar service loader. Let me explain my problem. 
  Services provider or plugins seem to be loaded in the file:
  with the commande: 
  ServiceLoader<SLF4JServiceProvider> serviceLoader = ServiceLoader.load(SLF4JServiceProvider.class);
  but without ClassLoader who is by default the current Thread's ClassLoader.
  My application, a jar file that embeds the slf4j-Api  and a service provider for the Uno Logger archives (slf4j-api.jar and UnoLogger.jar), that wants to use Slf4j is loaded by a URLClassLoader by LibreOffice which extend the CLASSPATH and which has as ClassLoader the current Thread's ClassLoader.
  As a result, Services or Plugins can't never see the extended CLASSPATH from my application and never load...
   Would it be possible to load the services with the ClassLoader of the caller:
  ServiceLoader<SLF4JServiceProvider> serviceLoader = ServiceLoader.load(SLF4JServiceProvider.class, LoggerFactory.class.getClassLoader());
  instead of that of the current Thread.
  This will allow CLASSPATH inheritance through ClassLoaders... and this is the normal behaviour of 
  new Object()
  Thank you.

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