[slf4j-user] Re: Problem configuring an SLF4J logger

Ceki Gülcü listid at qos.ch
Wed Aug 10 18:33:11 CEST 2005

Hello Heiner,

At 05:39 PM 8/10/2005, Heiner Westphal wrote:
>Sorry for the noise!
>I plugged nlog4j into my app and will stick to it.
>Works most of the time.
>(Not always with maven-cobertura-plugin 1.1, since that expects
>  a log4j 1.2.8 or .9, stumbling over the Logger.debug(String)
>  signature).

There has been some work on the Logger.debug(Object)** signature problem on 
log4j-dev. In a fortunate ans somewhat ironic twist of events, log4j may 
end up providing better support for SLF4J than NLOG4J whose raison d'etre 
is SLF4J compliance.

If the Logger.debug(Object) signature is too much of a hurdle for you, 
please shout so that it can be fixed in a future version of NLOG4J or 
hopefully in log4j itself.

** I assume that maven-cobertura-plugin 1.1 is complaining about the 
missing Logger.debug(Object) method.

>Should have read the devel messages before...
>On Sun, 2005-05-01 at 21:53 +0100, robert burrell donkin wrote:
>[ ... ]
> > configuration is the most commonly requested feature for JCL. but
> > implementing it would cross an important line leading to an endless
> > battle against code bloat and feature drift. explicitly excluded this
> > possibility in the proposal was definitely the right approach.
>[ ... ]
>Though the questions remain:
>  1. Is there a way to configure an overall log level for the logging
>     framework sitting under the slf4j API?

No. There are no provisions in the SLF4J API to allow configuration.

>  2. Is there a way to figure out which slf4j-Implementation I'm using
>     at runtime? That way I can implement the switch of level on my own.

Interesting question. Have you considered casting the returned Logger instance?


Ceki Gülcü

   The complete log4j manual: http://www.qos.ch/log4j/

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