[slf4j-user] Re: Exception while using slf4j-log4j13 ???

Ceki Gülcü listid at qos.ch
Thu Apr 13 10:10:33 CEST 2006

Hello Trustin,

Michael asks about the difference between the two cases. I really can't 
think of any. Is he using Tomcat version 5.5.14 or 5.5.15 by any chance?

At 11:31 AM 4/12/2006, Trustin Lee wrote:
>On 4/12/06, Michael Bauroth 
><<mailto:michael.bauroth at falcom.de>michael.bauroth at falcom.de> wrote:
>>I figured out an exception while calling CharsetUtil.getDefaultCharset.
>>It took me a while until I found out, that the call of
>>LoggerFactory.getLogger( CharsetUtil.class ) failed. I've used the jar
>>slf4j-log4j13. After replacing it with slf4j-simple all works fine.
>>Now my question: What is the difference?
>Could you please give us a stack trace?

Ceki Gülcü

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