[slf4j-user] basic MDC support for java.util.logging

Ceki Gulcu listid at qos.ch
Thu Jan 10 17:28:53 CET 2008

Maarten Bosteels wrote:
> I understand. It's not something that has to be decided right way IMO.
> But we could already include the attached BasicMDCAdapter in SLF4J
> (without the formatter).
> That way people using slf4j-jdk14.jar can also benefit from the MDC
> with java.util.logging.
> And we can refer them to the Log4jXmlFormatter attached to the
> bug-report, or they can implement their own formatter.
> WDYT ?

Adding BasicMDCAdapter to SLF4J without other extensions, e.g log4j formatter 
sounds good to me.

Expect it to be done soon (next Tuesday). If I forget, do not hesitate to ping me.

> Thanks
> Maarten
Ceki Gülcü

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