[slf4j-user] Use of message format strings w/ throwables

Joern Huxhorn jhuxhorn at googlemail.com
Wed Jun 24 08:33:15 CEST 2009

+1 from me, the relevant bugs are


On 24.06.2009, at 07:41, Chad La Joie wrote:

> The current API does not let you use the message formatting  
> functionality  in conjunction with Throwable arguments.  I've seen  
> discussion that the reason for this is that if you're dealing with  
> an exception the overhead is already so high that the performance  
> benefit of using the format string to defer final message  
> constructions is meaningless.
> However, I'd like to propose that readability might be another  
> reason for allowing this.  Take for example this message:
> log.error("Some bad thing happened because request with ID '" + id +  
> "' from requester '" + requesterId + "' did not meet security  
> requirement '" + secPolId + "'", e)
> I would argue that the following is much more readable:
> log.error("Some bad thing happened because request with ID '{}' from  
> requester '{}' did not meet security requirement '{}'", new Object[]  
> {id, requesterId, secPolId}, e)
> This would require adding a new method for each log level with the  
> arguments; format, argArray, throwable.
> Does this seem like a reasonable addition to the API strictly from a  
> readability aspect within the code using SLF4J?
> -- 
> Serving Swiss Universities
> --------------------------
> Chad La Joie, Software Engineer, Net Services
> Werdstrasse 2, P.O. Box, 8021 Zürich, Switzerland
> phone +41 44 268 15 75, fax +41 44 268 15 68
> chad.lajoie at switch.ch, http://www.switch.ch
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