[slf4j-user] slf4j logger -> Servlet container log : How to?

Thorbjoern Ravn Andersen ravn at runjva.com
Sun May 30 20:49:33 CEST 2010

Den 13/05/10 07.51, Jacob Kjome skrev:
> Note that I've only ever tested this to work under Tomcat. YMMV under 
> other
> containers.  Also note that this stuff was written a fairly long time ago and
> never placed into any official release.  It can probably use improvement.  I
> encourage you to add to it if you see deficiencies or possibly a better approach.
I've now thought this over, and I believe that the basic problem you are 
doing very elaborate gymnastics to work around, is that the 
LoggerFactory.getLogger(clazz) does not allow passing arguments from the 
caller to the appender, one being the servlet object with a log() 
method, and another providing a servlet context with the context data to 
log.  Hence, I've started a separate thread for discussing if this can 
be changed.

   Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen  "...plus... Tubular Bells!"

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