[slf4j-user] Problem using slf4j and quartz through log4j

Xar xar at todoesunamierda.com
Thu Apr 28 18:00:34 CEST 2011


We're trying to use quartz in order to have some scheluded tasks, and we're
having a problem of jobs concurrency. To see what is happening we want to
enable the logging system. Our application is using log4j as the log system.

So, I installed the version 1.3.1 of the slf4j libraries. The libraries that
i copied to the classpath are: slf4j-api.jar and slf4j-log4j12.jar. I
decided to use this version because my log4j version is 1.2.9, and newer
versions of the slf4j libraries requieres 1.2.12 log4j version or above. So,
I configured the log4j to get the logs of this package. This is the part of
the config file:

> log4j.appender.QuartzAppender=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
> log4j.appender.QuartzAppender.File=E:\\Gas
> Natural\\Projects\\Lecturas\\40-Codificacion\\Rv2.1.1
> ALFA01\\SGLWeb\\Config/log/quartzLogs.log
> log4j.appender.QuartzAppender.MaxFileSize=1MB
> log4j.appender.QuartzAppender.MaxBackupIndex=100
> log4j.appender.QuartzAppender.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
> log4j.appender.QuartzAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=%p %d{dd MMM yyyy
> HH:mm:ss,SSS} %c - %m - %t%n
> log4j.logger.org.quartz=debug,stdout
> log4j.additivity.org.quartz=false

The appender is working for sure, because I tested it with the package
org.apache instead of org.quartz and it worked. I verified the classpath
loaded the correct libraries and they are not missing.

Do you know if I made something wrong?

Thanks in advance. Ask anything if you need more info.
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