[slf4j-user] Multi-step configuration

Ceki Gulcu ceki at qos.ch
Fri Oct 7 16:34:10 CEST 2011

Great. I updated the docs in source repository. The web-site will be 
updated with the next release of slf4j.

On 07.10.2011 15:25, David Felsenthal wrote:
> Thanks. I am all set now.
> I do have log4j-over-slf4j on the classpath.
> For me the difficulty was in realizing that the multiple steps were handled by application code, rather than some subtle trigger in the logging configuration file itself. That was my conceptual error.
> One small suggestion, though. I did rear, re-read and re-re-read the paragraph pointed to by the very helpful error message. I understood the bootstrapping issues. Perhaps in the note that points out the possibility of multi-step configuration you could mention that any subsequent configuration steps need to be initiated or carried out by the application itself.
> Thanks again, and I really like the DBAppender.

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