[slf4j-user] When will fluent API & key value pair support be released?

Clément MATHIEU clement at unportant.info
Thu Nov 5 17:28:42 CET 2020


Should we expect a release of SLF4J 2.0 in a foreseable future? If so,
should we expect any major change to the current fluent API?

We are encouraging our developers to adopt structured logging and see
two options:

 1. Use SLF4J 2.0.0-alpha1, fork log4j-slf4j18-impl to make Log4jLogger
    LoggingEventAware. Then hope for a proper 2.0.0 (backward
compatible with -alpha1) and that log4j-slf4j-impl will catch-up.
 2. Abandon SLF4J and migrate to log4j-api

I'd rather stay on SLF4J but needs to be reassured about what we are
getting into.

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