[logback-announce] Release of version 0.9.6

Ceki Gulcu listid at qos.ch
Thu May 24 20:24:27 CEST 2007

23rd of May 2007 - Release of version 0.9.6

Logback is now aligned and compatible with SLF4J version 1.4.0, thus
correcting bug 73 as reported by Andy Gerweck.

Fixed NoClassDefFoundError problem when running under JDK 1.4 as
reported by Brian Suksomwong.

Fixed bug 63 as reported by La Canea Rosario. Calling log4j (bridge)
with the trace level will no longer cause an IllegalStateException to
be thrown.

Fixed bug 70 as reported by Dirk Ooms. The %throwable conversion word
is now recognized as documented in the logback manual. Moreover, the
manual now mentions the %nopex word which can be used to force
PatternLayout to ignore the exception contained in the logging

As in most releases, the documentation has been improved.

You can download the modules, including full source code, class files
and documentation on our download page, shown below.


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Ceki Gülcü
Logback: The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Java.

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