[cal10n-user] Single quote in translation file

Gilles Sadowski gilles.sadowski at ulb.ac.be
Tue Mar 30 11:55:22 CEST 2010


When in a "properties" file containing the localized message patterns, there
is a single quote in a pattern, it doesn't appear in the output and prevents
the conversion of the curly-braced variables that follow it.

E.g. if a "math_messages_fr.properties" contains this line:

OUT_OF_RANGE=La valeur {0} est hors de l intervalle [{1}, {2}] (message localisé)

the ouput I get is

La valeur -1 est hors de l intervalle [0, 3] (message localisé)

as expected.

However, when the pattern is changed to:

OUT_OF_RANGE=La valeur {0} est hors de l'intervalle [{1}, {2}] (message localisé)

(with a single quote before the word "intervalle"),
the ouput I get is now

La valeur -1 est hors de lintervalle [{1}, {2}] (message localisé)

In the Javadoc of the "Properties" class, they say:
 "Escapes are not necessary for single and double quotes; however, by the rule
  above, single and double quote characters preceded by a backslash still
  yield single and double quote characters, respectively."

[I also tried escaping with a single slash character but the result is the

So it seems that it is not the case when using CAL10N.
Did I miss something from the documentation?

Best regards,

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