[logback-dev] redis appender

Juan M Uys opyate at gmail.com
Mon Oct 11 21:45:53 CEST 2010

Hey guys,

I searched Google for:
site:http://qos.ch/pipermail/logback-dev/ +redis +appender
site:http://qos.ch/pipermail/logback-dev/ +redis
...before messaging.

I need some feedback on writing a Redis appender for logback.

It is especially useful to do this as an appender instead of putting a
program behind the socket appender, because I'll have direct access to the
log event, and I'll have a lot of flexibility with regards to saving each
field of the event with a suitably descriptive key in Redis. With Redis'
fast retrieval and pattern matching support on keys, I'll be able to do fast
log analyses using a separate custom tool (which I'm also planning to build
and put in the open source domain).

Please let me know if I'm going to waste my time, and if the same thing can
be achieved with one of the other appenders. Extending DBAppender also
didn't make a lot of sense because it's mainly geared towards SQL.

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