[logback-dev] Properties in logger name

ceki ceki at qos.ch
Tue Nov 1 08:51:02 CET 2011

Hi Eric,

If you look at LoggerAction from the source repository, you should see 
that it already does substitution.


On 01/11/2011 4:50 AM, Eric Charlton wrote:
> Hello,
> In AppenderAction, there is a line:
> String appenderName = ec.subst(attributes.getValue(NAME_ATTRIBUTE));
> In LoggerAction, this is the equivalent:
> String loggerName = attributes.getValue(NAME_ATTRIBUTE);
> The LoggerAction doesn't substitute from context. My guess is that there is a good reason why properties are not substituted in logger names....? That's my question.
> Here's where this comes from:
> I thought it would be nifty to route some logs via a shared properties file (shared between the app and logback.xml config) like so:
> <property resource="logbackProps.properties" />
> <logger name="${customLoggerName}>                               <------------this is what doesn't work because LoggerAction doesn't substitute properties
>      <appender-ref ref="SOME_FILE_APPENDER" />
> </logger>
> Then put a logger name in the logbackProps.properties file:
> customLoggerName=userAuthLogger
> Then in code (let's say a user authentication DAO) I could:
> private static Logger authenticationlogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClassThatGetsProperties.getPropertyValueFor(ConstantsEnum.customLoggerName));
> Thanks and Cheers!
> Eric C

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