[logback-dev] [qos-ch/logback-decoder] f9b87f: ongoing work on layout-pattern-to-regex converters...

Tony Trinh tony19 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 23:42:43 CEST 2012

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 2:37 PM, ceki <ceki at qos.ch> wrote:

> Hi Tony,
> Great to see logback-decoder making progress. I see that given a
> pattern your are able to produce a regex. I am also glad to see that
> you are much more savvy at writing regular expressions than I am.
I piggy-backed the PatternLayoutBase class to reuse its converter logic for
converting the layout patterns into regular expressions. I don't think this
is a very clean way of doing it, but I went with it for now. Originally, I
was thinking we pass the input stream (read from a file) to the converters,
allowing them to parse something from the stream and advance the stream
position, but I wasn't sure how to get the parsed items back to the caller
or how well the regex matching would work if only one regex pattern were
given at a time.

Have you thought about how to capture fields so as to fill in
> LoggingEvent/AccessEvent fields? At this stage of the code, there is
> no grouping in these regular expressions so it is not clear how they
> could be used to capture field data. Anyway, do you already have an
> idea how to go further or should we come up with something together?
I was thinking we use regex capture groups to capture the fields. I just
haven't added them to regex patterns yet, as I need to figure out exactly
what fields to look for. Perhaps you have a better way to capture the

I don't yet have a complete design thought out yet, and I'd like to
collaborate on that. My initial thoughts were:

1. Determine the logback log-file pattern (e.g., "#logback.class-pattern:
%d{HH:mm:ss} %msg%n") by reading it from the file or from a command-line

2. For each pattern element, convert the pattern to a named
regular-expression capture group, where the name is the pattern itself
(e.g., "(?<%d{HH:MM:SS}>\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}) ((?s).+)(\\n)"). Compile the
regular expression into a Pattern object for better performance during
iterative matching.
 NOTE: Name capture groups require Java 7 or a 3rd party library.

3. Match each line of the file with the regex pattern. Collect all matches,
and parse the capture groups into a proxy class for
LoggingEvent/AccessEvent. The proxy class is used for serialization
annotations (e.g., JsonSerialize [1]).

4. Use the appropriate serializer (based on format specified from
command-line) to process the proxy events, thereby outputting them to a
file or stdout.

My logic above relies on effective regular expressions, which I'm still
validating in my unit tests. I hope to make better progress especially with
you coming aboard.

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