[logback-dev] threading problem while using logback in j2ee

shirsangshu.dutta at wipro.com shirsangshu.dutta at wipro.com
Wed May 21 09:39:42 CEST 2014

We  are using logback 1.1.2 in our j2ee web application . For each device we want  to  generate separate log files .We are using siftingappender
With file appender .Please find the enclosed logback.xml
   But a peculiar error is happenging.After writing to its  own thread file(  say for device 123456 its 123456-2014-05-21T12-51-32.log)..it is failing over to default
Discriminator .i.e main and wrting.
  We have placed <statusListener class="ch.qos.logback.core.status.OnConsoleStatusListener" />   and <configuration debug="true">  but  stil getting anu hints of
What exactly is going wrong
I  am also including server startup logs
Please provide a solution


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