[logback-dev] [JIRA] Updates for LOGBACK-1543: prudent mode lose efficacy since v1.2.0

QOS.CH (JIRA) noreply-jira at qos.ch
Mon Nov 30 04:50:00 CET 2020

logback / LOGBACK-1543 [Open]
prudent mode lose efficacy since v1.2.0


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 Issue created

nico_wen created this issue on 30/Nov/20 4:39 AM
Summary:              prudent mode lose efficacy since v1.2.0
Issue Type:           Bug
Affects Versions:     1.2.0
Assignee:             Logback dev list
Components:           logback-core
Created:              30/Nov/20 4:39 AM
  Since v1.2.0 the prudent mode is almost useless because safeWrite never get really invoked
  before v1.2.0
  // OutputStreamAppender.java
  try {
      // skip some irrelevant codes...
  } catch (IOException ioe) {
      this.started = false;
      addStatus(new ErrorStatus("IO failure in appender", this, ioe));
  // and writeOut is overrided by FileAppender.java
  protected void writeOut(E event) throws IOException {
      if (prudent) {
          safeWrite(event); // here is the point, it ensure write integrity with file lock
      } else {
  but since v1.2.0, the code was refactored to this
  // OutputStreamAppender.java
  protected void subAppend(E event) {
      if (!isStarted()) {
      try {
          // skip some irrelevant codes...
          byte[] byteArray = this.encoder.encode(event);
          writeBytes(byteArray); // there is no guarantee to safe write
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
          this.started = false;
          addStatus(new ErrorStatus("IO failure in appender", this, ioe));
Priority:             Critical
Reporter:             nico_wen

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