[logback-dev] [JIRA] Updates for LOGBACK-1603: logback log_max_history option's delete log calendar interval is 32

QOS.CH (JIRA) noreply-jira at qos.ch
Thu Dec 23 09:19:00 CET 2021

logback / LOGBACK-1603 [Open]
logback log_max_history option's delete log calendar interval is 32 


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junmoKang created this issue on 23/Dec/21 9:06 AM
Summary:              logback log_max_history option's delete log calendar interval is 32 
Issue Type:           Improvement
Affects Versions:     1.2.9
Assignee:             Logback dev list
Components:           logback-core
Created:              23/Dec/21 9:06 AM
Priority:             Major
Reporter:             junmoKang
  ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.helper.TimeBasedArchiveRemover class 's clean method
  public void clean(Date now) {
   long nowInMillis = now.getTime();
   // for a live appender periodsElapsed is expected to be 1
   int periodsElapsed = computeElapsedPeriodsSinceLastClean(nowInMillis);
   lastHeartBeat = nowInMillis;
   if (periodsElapsed > 1) {
   addInfo("Multiple periods, i.e. " + periodsElapsed + " periods, seem to have elapsed. This is expected at application start.");
   for (int i = 0; i < periodsElapsed; i++) {
   int offset = getPeriodOffsetForDeletionTarget() - i;
   Date dateOfPeriodToClean = rc.getEndOfNextNthPeriod(now, offset);
  This method is invoked when deleting oldest log files. 
  logback's log_max_history option is depended on it. 
  computeElapsedPeriodsSinceLastClean(nowInMillis) method returns periodsElapsed value. 
  other method return  32.  maybe ... 1 month. 
  int computeElapsedPeriodsSinceLastClean(long nowInMillis) {
   long periodsElapsed = 0;
   if (lastHeartBeat == UNINITIALIZED) {
   addInfo("first clean up after appender initialization");
   periodsElapsed = rc.periodBarriersCrossed(nowInMillis, nowInMillis + INACTIVITY_TOLERANCE_IN_MILLIS);
   periodsElapsed = Math.min(periodsElapsed, MAX_VALUE_FOR_INACTIVITY_PERIODS);
   } else {
   periodsElapsed = rc.periodBarriersCrossed(lastHeartBeat, nowInMillis);
   // periodsElapsed of zero is possible for size and time based policies
   return (int) periodsElapsed;
  is this right that i understand? 
  I found this during I tested logback's log_max_history option. 
  -> log_max_history=90 ,  today is 2021-12-22 
  2021-08-22 ~ 2021-09-22  log files are deleted.
  -> log_max_history=30, today is 2021-12-22
  2021-10-21 ~ 2021-11-21  log files are deleted.
  -> log_max_history=7, today is 2021-12-22
  2021-11-13 ~ 2021-12-14  log files are deleted.
  -> log_max_history=1,  today is 2021-12-22
  2021-11-19 ~ 2021-12-20  log files are deleted.
  I think there is the range... limit. 
  Is there any one tested this option? 

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