[logback-user] Using logback simply

Sebastien Pennec sebastien at qos.ch
Wed Jan 24 15:13:38 CET 2007

Hello Fouche,

Thanks for the example, that's a constraint I've never experienced so far, but one 
that is fully understandable.

We're iterating on our documentation on a regular basis, so I'll add programmatic 
configuration examples to our to-document list :)



f_du_preez at limehouse.co.za wrote:
> Hi Sebastien
> Nice explanation. 
> I would like to comment on "we tend to prefer the use of Joran and xml
> configuration files to configure logback". I can understand this to a degree,
> but programmatic configuration can be very important, and I think it should
> form part of the official documentation.
> A good example: when we write our applications, this is done on our development
> machines, which then goes to a test, pre-prod, and finally production
> environments. In order for us to prevent code / property file changes between
> these environments, specifically from our dev machines to one of the three
> offical environments, we store system specific values, such as logging
> locations, logging levels etc in JNDI. This enables us to use exactly the same
> code base for all environments - which is actually a self-enforced requirement
> of our company, and understandably so.
> Kind regards
> Fouche du Preez
> Quoting Sebastien Pennec <sebastien at qos.ch>:
>> Hello shef,
>> It seems to me that the first two chapters should help give a simple but
>> precise idea 
>> of how to use logback.
>> The Example 1.1 of the introduction[1] shows how the classes that use logback
>> should 
>> retrieve a logger and use it in a basic way.
>> Basically, you only do:
>> Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("chapter1.HelloWorld1");
>> logger.debug("Hello world.");
>> The chapter 2[2] explains how to use the logger methods, understand the level
>> inheritance and the way printing methods works, so that you can use logback
>> in a more 
>> efficient way.
>> However, you are right about the lack of code examples on how to create
>> logback 
>> components. You'll find the code you need to create a RollingFileAppender at
>> the end 
>> of this email.
>> This said, we tend to prefer the use of Joran and xml configuration files to
>> configure logback. Note that the file can be loaded by your class, if you
>> wish to be 
>> free to place it wherever you want.
>> About the jars, our homepage[3] explains what they contain:
>> The logback-core module lays the groundwork for the other two modules.
>> The logback-classic module can be assimilated to a significantly improved
>> version of 
>> log4j. Moreover, logback-classic natively implements the SLF4J API so that
>> you can 
>> readily switch back and forth between logback and other logging systems such
>> as log4j 
>> or JDK14 Logging.
>> The Access module integrates with Servlet containers to provide HTTP-access
>> log 
>> functionality. Note that you can easily build your own modules on top of the
>> Core module.
>> The Access and Classic modules are used in rather different situations thus
>> the two 
>> jars, so that you don't have to carry HTTP-related logging components with
>> you if you 
>> don't need them. The Core jar contains many components that are generic and
>> used 
>> commonly by the two other modules. As of SLF4J, it is a different project,
>> that 
>> provides an easy facade so that your application's classes are not tied to a
>> specific 
>> logging implementation. Since logback is a direct implementation of the
>> SLF4J, the 
>> SLF4J api is required to run logback classic. However, logback access is not
>> tied to 
>> SLF4J so if you want to do http-access logging, you won't need the SLF4J api
>> jar.
>> Here is some code that you might want to add to your configuration classes.
>> It 
>> creates a RollingFileAppender, with a TimeBasedRollingPolicy that will
>> rollover the 
>> file every day. There is also a PatternLayout to configure the formatting of
>> the 
>> logging events.
>> Hope this helps :)
>> Sébastien
>> //////////////
>> LoggerContext lc = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
>> lc.shutdownAndReset();
>> RollingFileAppender appender = new RollingFileAppender();
>> appender.setContext(lc);
>> appender.setFile("/tmp/filename.txt");
>> appender.setName("rfa");
>> TimeBasedRollingPolicy policy = new TimeBasedRollingPolicy();
>> policy.setContext(lc);
>> policy.setParent(appender);
>> policy.setFileNamePattern("filename_%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.txt");
>> PatternLayout layout = new PatternLayout();
>> layout.setContext(lc);
>> layout.setPattern("%date [%level] %logger{30} %message %n");
>> appender.setRollingPolicy(policy);
>> appender.setLayout(layout);
>> policy.start();
>> layout.start();
>> appender.start();
>> Logger root = lc.getLogger(LoggerContext.ROOT_NAME);
>> root.addAppender(appender);
>> //start logging:
>> Logger logger = (Logger)LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyApp.class);
>> logger.debug("Logging configuration done");
>> //////////////
>> Links:
>> [1]http://logback.qos.ch/manual/introduction.html
>> [2]http://logback.qos.ch/manual/architecture.html
>> [3]http://logback.qos.ch/index.html
>> shef wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I've read the docs, and I'm having a hard time understanding how to perform
>> basic tasks. The manual, is, ah, less than straightforward...
>>> All I want to do is log to a disk file, and configure this in code. Using
>> XML config files is not an option. I see no sample code in the docs that
>> shows how to do this. The manual gets lost in complexity very, very quickly.
>>> All I want is something like this:
>>> someClass.setType(...) // console, disk file, whatever
>>> someClass.setDestination("/mydir");
>>> someClass.setRolloverPolicy("some_policy_here");
>>> Also -- where does it explain what is contained in logback-access.jar,
>> logback-classic.jar, and logback-core.jar? Do I need all three, plus the
>> slf4j-apis? Why not just one jar file?
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>> -- 
>> Sébastien Pennec
>> sebastien at qos.ch
>> Logback: The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for
>> Java.
>> http://logback.qos.ch/
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Sébastien Pennec
sebastien at qos.ch

Logback: The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Java.

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