[logback-user] log files locked after application undeploy

Ceki Gulcu listid at qos.ch
Tue Jun 3 18:24:08 CEST 2008

Hello Syvalta, Anton,

Anton's recommendation to invoke


within a contextDestroyed method of a ServletContextListener is
exactly right.

His later mention of the Context Selector chapter in the logback
manual is also relevant, but only if slf4j-api.jar and
logback-classic.jar are shared between application (as he also

I think the problem you are facing merits an entry in the docs, at
least in the FAQ. Syvalta, would you mind entering a bug report in
http://jira.qos.ch on this subject? The contents of your email are
sufficient for creating the entry. (If you do mind, please let me know
and I'll take care of it.)


Anton Tagunov wrote:
> Hello Syvalta,
> Please notice: this is an advice from user not from logback developers.
> [1]
> am I right that slf4j and logback jars 
> * are provided by the web application itself?
> * not provided as shared jars by the Servlet container?
> in this particular case you can write a ServletContextListener
> that will do a very simple thing in contextDestroyed():
> public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent servletContextEvent) {
> ((LoggerContext)LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory()).shutdownAndReset()
> }
> you will also need to register this context listener in web.xml
> <listener>
> <listener-class>ch.qos.logback.classic.selector.servlet.ContextDetachingSCL</listener-class>
> </listener>
> [2]
> HOWEVER please note that the setup you're using is somewhat fragile.
> If your applicaiton is deployed within a web container that
> * does provide logback.jar in classloader shared between web applications
> * the classloader used by this servlet container to load your web
>   application works in normal parent first order
> then you may have issues.
> The issues that may happen inlude logback being configured by web-container wide
> logback.xml, not by logback.xml provided within your application.
> Another possible issue is that the ServletContextListener suggested above
> will close logging not for your application only but for other applications also.
> [3]
> The suggested logback setup in a servlet container is described in logback manual
> http://logback.qos.ch/manual/contextSelector.html
> It is suggested to perform this setup in full including JNDI parameter configuration.
> If you would like to have more details on why such complex setup is needed
> you can find them here
> http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta-commons/Logging/StaticLog
> http://www.qos.ch/logging/sc.jsp
> These article discuss other logging libraries but the problem being solved is essentially the same.
> with best regards,
> Anton Tagunov
> On Tue, 3 Jun 2008 02:21:56 -0700 (PDT)
>  Syvalta <syvalta at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> I have a minor problem with logback (version 0.99). When I undeploy my web
>> application the log files are still locked and they remain locked (under
>> Windows).
>> How is this supposed to work? Is this expected behavior, or does that mean I
>> have a resource leak in my application? I see appenders do have stop method,
>> but I didn't find any overall shutdown method in Logback. How is log file
>> closing supposed to work?
>> I have logback.xml in my classpath and I'm not doing any explicit
>> initialization. I use RollingFileAppender with TimeBasedRollingPolicy.
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