[logback-user] Minimal library dependency for logback implementation of RequestLogImpl

Ralph Goers rgoers at apache.org
Tue Jan 27 06:26:34 CET 2009

On Jan 26, 2009, at 1:09 PM, Russell E Glaue wrote:
> Additionally, Jetty 6 and 7 have support for log4j to implement  
> application
> logging. There does not seem to be any interest in replacing log4j  
> with Logback.
> One of the main reason appears to be that Logback is LGPL and not  
> either APL or
> EPL. I think this is a little weird, because all three licenses are  
> compatible. So I am not understanding the reasoning why Logback  
> could not
> legally be used.

Although components using these various licenses can all be packaged  
and distributed together, they are not completely "compatible". See http://apache.org/legal/resolved.html 

> However I do understand that in the move to Eclipse, the Jetty  
> community is
> steering clear of anything that might potentially give reason to  
> slow down the
> process of getting Jetty moved to Eclipse.
> I think that after Jetty @ Eclipse has been established, there might  
> be more
> openness to adding additional third party library support to Jetty- 
> core.
> In the mean time, it is my belief that additional enterprise-worthy  
> library
> support (like Logback) can be requested to be added to Geronimo or  
> other
> upstream software implementations of Jetty-core.
> My team here at the center is working on a GBean implementation of  
> Logback's
> RequestLogImpl class. After its completion, we are planning to  
> contribute it to
> Geronimo.

While Geronimo can use the SLF4J api, due to its licensing Logback can  
only be an optional component for any Apache project. So you can  
expect that the default implementation used would be log4j.

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