[logback-user] Minimal library dependency for logback implementation of RequestLogImpl

Ceki Gulcu ceki at qos.ch
Tue Jan 27 19:56:13 CET 2009

Ralph Goers wrote:

> While Geronimo can use the SLF4J api, due to its licensing Logback can 
> only be an optional component for any Apache project. So you can expect 
> that the default implementation used would be log4j.

Hello Ralph,

You are right. At present time the ASF considers LGPL to be in category C 
(excluded licenses).

However, I think one could argue that as long as some Apache software, say 
Geronimo, uses logback-classic via SLF4J, without ever linking against 
logback-classic, LGPL restrictions on distribution do not apply.

I hope to eventually present this argument to legal at apache.

A similar argument may apply to Tomcat embedding logback-access. Logback-access 
is deployed in Tomcat as a Valve (a Tomcat structure). Tomcat does not link with 
logback-access. In a similar vein, logback-access implements the Jetty 
RequestLog interface. Jetty does not link with logback-access.


> Ralph

Ceki Gülcü
Logback: The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Java.

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