[logback-user] Multiple files and other issues (part 2)

Marco Bresciani m.bresciani at email.it
Mon Mar 9 19:42:03 CET 2009

Ceki Gulcu ha scritto:
> The configuraition file looks good. Can you send a few lines of logging
> output in WebEML.log which should be in NEtO.log?

Sure... tomorrow. ;-)
  Just to be sure, the classes have the only reference to SLF4J with something
like that:

private static final Logger LOG_ClassName =

and the usual logging methods with:

ClassName.LOG_ClassName.info("BLAH BLAH");

and so on just like the manual says.
  Mmmm I have another thing in mind... related to files and so on.

The logback.xml is one as one is the "collection" of JArs that make my
application but the application is run in two parts.

The first one is NEtO (where I'd like to put its logs into NEtO.log) and the
other component is JUSM (with WebEML.log) but JUSM is launched from NEtO using
a JVM exec. Could this give problems to logback.xml?
  Packages have anyway the structure I gave so com.alcatel.wtd.neto contains
all NEtO packages while other packages (i.e.: com.alcatel.wtd.* and some
com.alcatel.*) have JUSM files... but logback should apply as well... or not?


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