[logback-user] Logback view show all logs as null

Kaan Ozdincer kaanozdincer at gmail.com
Thu Aug 12 13:03:05 CEST 2010

Hi All;

I install LogBack console plugin to Eclipse like that [0].
But show all logs as null. Example output is;

3573 [main] DEBUG root - Starting up context null
17721 [NioProcessor-1] INFO  org.sodeneme.Application - null
17727 [NioProcessor-1] INFO  org.sodeneme.Application - null
17729 [NioProcessor-1] INFO  org.sodeneme.Application - null
17730 [NioProcessor-1] INFO  org.sodeneme.Application - null

Can aynone help me how to manage/config this ?

[0] http://logback.qos.ch/consolePlugin.html

Kaan Ozdincer
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