[logback-user] Glassfish v3 and logback.xml ignored

Mike Weeda mweeda at 4idc.com
Wed Jun 9 19:19:57 CEST 2010


After moving from NetBeans 6.5 / Tomcat 6.0.18 to NetBeans 6.8 / 
GlassFish v3, my logback.xml file seems to be ignored. Messages now 
appear in the GlassFish console, but not in the file configured in 
logback.xml. In fact, the file configured in logback.xml is not even 
created under GlassFish. Aside from logback.xml being ignored, there are 
no other issues or errors.

This link https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=11683 
discusses a similar situation, but it is not clear how the fix described 
there is applicable to my situation.

My logback.xml file is in the <project>/src directory. Some information 
from the web suggests that perhaps it needs to be somewhere else, but 
nothing is very definite.

This behavior occurs under both logback 9.14 / slf4j 1.5.6, and logback 
9.21 / slf4j 1.6.0.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Regards, Mike

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