[logback-user] Separating the logging-output of libraries in tomcat/shared
anton.kudinov at gmail.com
Fri Mar 5 00:44:30 CET 2010
Finally we have
1. logback.xml in shared libs with sift appender and
2. configured ContextJNDISelector
3. configured web.xml for each application
and no another web-app/app1/web-inf/classes/logback-context-name.xml ?
Ceki Gulcu wrote:
> Change references from ${context} to ${contextName} as
> JNDIBasedContextDiscriminator is hardwired to use the key "contextName".
> On 05/03/2010 12:04 AM, Ceki Gülcü wrote:
>> Just remove "<Key>context</Key>"
>> On 05/03/2010 12:00 AM, toxel wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> I have a little question when I use configuration bellow I take
>>> Exception
>>> Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Key cannot be set.
>>> Using
>>> fixed key contextName
>>> at at
>>> *.logging.JNDIBasedContextDiscriminator.setKey(JNDIBasedContextDiscriminator.java:57)
>>> Maybe I need other configuration ?
>>> Ceki Gulcu wrote:
>>>> I think the short answer is yes. The nested appenders will have the
>>>> same configuration differentiated by the value returned by the
>>>> discriminator. You could add properties to the logger context and
>>>> since logger context properties are seen as variables, you could in
>>>> principle use the value of the property to filter events. Here is an
>>>> example using a ThresholdFilter and the variable myLevel with a
>>>> default substitution value (see [1]).
>>>> <appender name="SIFT"
>>>> class="ch.qos.logback.classic.sift.SiftingAppender">
>>>> <discriminator
>>>> class="ch.qos.logback.classic.sift.JNDIBasedContextDiscriminator">
>>>> <Key>context</Key>
>>>> <DefaultValue>unknown</DefaultValue>
>>>> </discriminator>
>>>> <sift>
>>>> <appender name="FILE-${context}"
>>>> class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
>>>> <File>${context}.log</File>
>>>> <Append>true</Append>
>>>> <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.ThresholdFilter">
>>>> <level>${myLevel:-DEBUG}</level>
>>>> </filter>
>>>> <layout>
>>>> <pattern>%d [%thread] %level %mdc %logger{35} -
>>>> %msg%n</pattern>
>>>> </layout>
>>>> </appender>
>>>> </sift>
>>>> </appender>
>>>> You could set the myLevel property at the start of each
>>>> application. Here is the sample code for web-app A:
>>>> LoggerContext lc = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
>>>> lc.putProperty("myLevel", some level value as appropriate for web-app
>>>> A);
>>>> For web-app B, the code is similar:
>>>> LoggerContext lc = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
>>>> lc.putProperty("myLevel", some level value as appropriate for web-app
>>>> B);
>>>> You need to make sure that the "myLevel" property is set before the
>>>> logger context is configured which means that you need to override
>>>> default logback configuration by invoking joran directly. Search for
>>>> "Invoking JoranConfigurator directly" in [2]. The code then becomes:
>>>> LoggerContext lc = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
>>>> JoranConfigurator configurator = new JoranConfigurator();
>>>> configurator.setContext(lc);
>>>> // the context was probably already configured by default
>>>> configuration
>>>> // rules
>>>> lc.reset();
>>>> lc.putProperty("myLevel", some level value as appropriate for the
>>>> web-app);
>>>> configurator.doConfigure(args[0]);
>>>> HTH,
>>>> [1]
>>>> http://logback.qos.ch/manual/configuration.html#defaultValuesForVariables
>>>> [2] http://logback.qos.ch/manual/configuration.html
>>>> On 02/03/2010 1:52 PM, Achim Wiedemann wrote:
>>>>> Hi Ceki,
>>>>> I just implemented your suggestion and it works like a charm. :)
>>>>> So it seems like there's a workaround for LBLCLASSIC-166 with your new
>>>>> discriminator-class now. Great work and thanks a lot!
>>>>> By the way: Is there any possibility to have different logging-levels
>>>>> for the nested appenders of a SiftingAppender?
>>>>> greetz,
>>>>> achim
>>>>> Ceki Gülcü schrieb:
>>>>>> You are right. ContextBasedDiscriminator will not help you because
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> context name is retreived from the LoggingEvent which ultimately gets
>>>>>> its value from the calling logger. If the calling logger is attached
>>>>>> to the wrong context, ContextBasedDiscriminator will give you the
>>>>>> wrong context name. Sorry for misleading you.
>>>>>> However, I've written a new discriminator which should work assuming
>>>>>> you have installed ContextJNDISelector as explained in
>>>>>> http://logback.qos.ch/manual/loggingSeparation.html
>>>>>> JNDIBasedContextDiscriminator can be found at
>>>>>> http://github.com/ceki/logback/blob/90e50c/logback-classic/src/main/java/ch/qos/logback/classic/sift/JNDIBasedContextDiscriminator.java
>>>>>> or the same in tiny-speak
>>>>>> http://tinyurl.com/yb6pdj2
>>>>>> Getting values from JNDIBasedContextDiscriminator, SiftingAppender
>>>>>> will get the correct context name and things should work much better.
>>>>>> Give it a try.
>>>>>> On 01/03/2010 9:38 AM, Achim Wiedemann wrote:
>>>>>>> Hey Ceki,
>>>>>>> thanks for your fast reply. I tested your tip with the
>>>>>>> SiftingAppender,
>>>>>>> but couldn't see how this gets me further compared to the
>>>>>>> logging-separation described in Ch8 of the manual (separation via
>>>>>>> JNDIContextSelector). The problem is still the same: The context
>>>>>>> of the
>>>>>>> logger, once initialized, remains the same in shared libraries.
>>>>>>> Since
>>>>>>> SiftingAppender has to sieve based on some criteria (in my case the
>>>>>>> context), it also can't solve this issue.
>>>>>>> So I see, as you already stated, it's not possible to get this
>>>>>>> scenario
>>>>>>> to work. However, thanks for your time and all your work.
>>>>>>> greetz,
>>>>>>> achim
>>>>>>> Ceki Gulcu schrieb:
>>>>>>>> Hello Achim,
>>>>>>>> Thank you for your message.
>>>>>>>> The only way to solve this issue transparently and perfectly
>>>>>>>> would be
>>>>>>>> to introduce another level of indirection inside loggers so that
>>>>>>>> each
>>>>>>>> logger-shell somehow delegate work to an inner logger attached to
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> appropriate context. This is quite a difficult problem
>>>>>>>> technically and
>>>>>>>> would generate significant computational overhead. I don't see the
>>>>>>>> problem fixed via such indirection any time soon. Read, as a
>>>>>>>> logback
>>>>>>>> user, don't expect this problem to be solved without a little
>>>>>>>> work on
>>>>>>>> your side.
>>>>>>>> As far as I can see, you have two options:
>>>>>>>> 1) move shared classes whose loggers you care about to the web-app
>>>>>>>> (unshare them)
>>>>>>>> If 1) is not an option, there is:
>>>>>>>> 2) Use a single shared logback.xml file with separation done by
>>>>>>>> SiftingAppender [1] using the context as separation criteria [2].
>>>>>>>> In
>>>>>>>> conjunction with prudent mode of FileAppender, you will be able to
>>>>>>>> separate logging by context.
>>>>>>>> Let me know if the above does not make sense.
>>>>>>>> [1] http://logback.qos.ch/manual/appenders.html#SiftingAppender
>>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>>> http://logback.qos.ch/xref/ch/qos/logback/classic/sift/ContextBasedDiscriminator.html
>>>>>>>> On 26.02.2010 08:21, Achim Wiedemann wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hey everybody,
>>>>>>>>> just wanted to port our application from commons-logging / log4j
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> slf4j / logback. Unfortunately I stumbled upon some problems when
>>>>>>>>> separating the logging-output from different webapps (using the
>>>>>>>>> JNDIContextSelector). As long as you only use logging from classes
>>>>>>>>> inside the webapp, everything works fine. But as soon as you've
>>>>>>>>> got
>>>>>>>>> classes in tomcat/shared which use logging, you run into
>>>>>>>>> trouble: All
>>>>>>>>> logging output of the shared classes (e.g. Spring) are directed to
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> logger-context of the webapp which first loads the (shared) class.
>>>>>>>>> Example: Let's say you've got webbapp [A], webbapp [B], and
>>>>>>>>> Spring in
>>>>>>>>> tomcat/shared. Now both webapps use Spring. If webapp [B] first
>>>>>>>>> accesses
>>>>>>>>> any classes of Spring, all output of Spring will be directed to
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> log-file of [B], no matter from which webapp Spring is used.
>>>>>>>>> This is
>>>>>>>>> because static Logger references are used in Spring (which is
>>>>>>>>> commonplace) and are initialized with the context of webapp [B].
>>>>>>>>> The issue is already described very well in the logback JIRA:
>>>>>>>>> http://jira.qos.ch/browse/LBCLASSIC-166
>>>>>>>>> I wondered if anyone can make a suggestion how to deal with
>>>>>>>>> this. Any
>>>>>>>>> advice, tricks or magic is welcome. ;)
>>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot,
>>>>>>>>> Achim
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