[logback-user] Servername in SocketAppender

Ingo Siebert ingo.siebert at cas.de
Fri Mar 5 11:42:03 CET 2010


I think there is another problem with SocketAppenders.
Features like MDC (%X{username}) aren't working.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Am 04.03.2010 10:17, schrieb Ingo Siebert:
> Hi,
> I want to use the SocketAppender to collect log messages from more 
> than one application server.
> It general it works fine, but I'm missing the servername or IP address 
> of the server who sent the LoggingEvent.
> That means I need a layout like this: %date %servername %m%n
> In the documentation, I see a SocketAppender property called 
> IncludeCallerData.
> But in the example it only prints %file and %line.
> What is the best practise to add the name/IP of the server which sent 
> the logging event to the remote SimpleSocketServer?
> Best regards,
> Ingo
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