[logback-user] About MaxHitory

okadam okada.masanao at intra-mart.jp
Tue Mar 9 13:27:04 CET 2010


I have a question about MaxHistory.

Logback version is 0.9.18

I think that behavior of MaxHistory is wrong in some circumstances.
The similar behavior exists in the other thread, but I seemed to have not
been resolved.
・technical question
・urgent explination issue

Also, it is not registered in JIRA.
I test following cases. Could you confirm it?
And could you tell me that its performance is normal?

First, I set following xml files.

Second, I start the application in the following order.
However, there is no log file in the log Directory.

1. I start the application at [2010-03-09 10:00]
In the log Directory,

2. I restart the application at [2010-03-09 10:01]
In the log Directory,

3. I restart the application at [2010-03-09 10:02]
In the log Directory,

4. I restart the application at [2010-03-09 10:03]
In the log Directory,

5. I restart the application at [2010-03-09 10:05]
In the log Directory,
...NG (logFile.2010-03-09-10-01.log is not deleted.)

6. I restart the application at [2010-03-09 10:08]
In the log Directory,
...NG (logFile.2010-03-09-10-01.log is not deleted.)

Here is my XML file:

  <appender name="FILE"
      <!-- keep 2 min worth of history -->
    <layout class="ch.qos.logback.classic.PatternLayout">
      <Pattern>[%-5level][%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}] %class - %msg%n</Pattern>
    <level value="debug" />
    <appender-ref ref="FILE"/>

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