[logback-user] Can you put the logback.xml file at the ear level?

Ceki Gulcu ceki at qos.ch
Thu Nov 4 08:22:51 CET 2010

On 02.11.2010 18:13, JW wrote:
> Hello,
> I currently have my logback jar files packaged at the ear level and
> referenced by my manifest file.  I am looking to put the logback.xml
> file at this level as well, but I am unable to get it to work.  Reading
> through the archives, I thought I remember reading that this won't work
> and that you have to put the logback.xml file within a jar file for it
> to work.  Is this true?  Is there a way to package the logback.xml file
> at the ear level without putting it in its own jar file?

Yes. You need to mention the *folder* where logback.xml is located in 
the ear file's manifest. Do not mention logback.xml in that file.


> Joshua


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