[logback-user] How to reference file one level above the web context

Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen thunderaxiom at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 9 09:45:33 CET 2010

There is no guarantee where the current working directory is set for a web
application (which is what a relative path works from).

You can, however, ask the JVM where it got the byte code from for a given
class, by using  http://www.exampledepot.com/egs/java.lang/ClassOrigin.html

// Get the location of this class
  Class cls = this.getClass();
 ProtectionDomain pDomain = cls.getProtectionDomain();
  CodeSource cSource = pDomain.getCodeSource();
  URL loc = cSource.getLocation();  // file:/c:/almanac14/examples/

(works for jar files too).

You can then make the information available to logback and refer to


-----Original Message-----
From: logback-user-bounces at qos.ch [mailto:logback-user-bounces at qos.ch] On
Behalf Of Dawson Mossman
Sent: 8. november 2010 15:37
To: Logback-user at qos.ch
Subject: Re: [logback-user] How to reference file one level above the web

Has anyone had to do this type of thing before?  If I cannot use a 
relative path, are there recommendations for an alternative approach?

On 05/11/2010 5:24 PM, Dawson Mossman wrote:
> I am trying to use the <property file="logback.properties" /> tag in 
> my logback.xml file to reference an external settings file.  I want to 
> use a relative path and specify the file one level above my 
> application context. For example:
> <web server root>/apps/myapplication/web-inf/classes/logback.xml
> I want to put the logback.properties file at <web server root>/apps/.  
> Do you know what relative path I need to use to do this?
> I've tried everything I can think of, including the following, but 
> they did not work:
> <property file="../logback.properties" />
> <property file="../../../logback.properties" />
> <property file="/logback.properties" />
> <property file="./logback.properties" />
> Please help ... there has to be a way without using an absolute path!
> Dawson
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