[logback-user] Elongated system startup-time because of Logback configuration

Ceki Gülcü ceki at qos.ch
Fri Nov 19 21:26:05 CET 2010

Hi Nikhil,

Are you sure the slowness is due to logback? What happens when you 
replace logback-classic.jar with slf4j-nop.jar?

On 19/11/2010 7:35 PM, nikhil diwan wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a startup_batch file in which I make a call to JAVA application
> which is responsible for starting up my application with SWT window
> which displays system running information.
> Issue is the elongated start up time for application, as I executes my
> batch file, it stops for a while (as if it's doing nothing) though I
> know that in background batch file is loooking for logback.grrovy or
> logback.xml file in the classpath then configures it, but meanwhile my
> SWT window is not even started and I need to wait for around 45-50 Secs
> whenever I restart my application.
> As I can't afford delay in application start so I am looking for some
> workaround to reduce this logback configuration time by my application
> everytime.
> Any helps/inputs/thoughts are welcome.
> ~Thanks
>    Nikhil

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