[logback-user] Autoscan logback configuration using Glassfish V 3.0.1

Ceki Gulcu ceki at qos.ch
Wed Feb 9 17:17:58 CET 2011


What does logback status messages tell you? Have you added 
OnConsoleListerner to your config?
for further details.
On 09.02.2011 17:10, cinhtau wrote:
> Dear users, based on this blog
> <http://hwellmann.blogspot.com/2010/12/glassfish-logging-with-slf4j-part-2.html>
> I manage to use logback with Glassfish V 3.0.1. I created a simple web
> application to test the logback features. I use logback.xml and add the
> *scan parameters.*
> <configuration scan="true" scanPeriod="30 seconds">
> ...
> </configuration>
> If I modify the contents, e. g. change LEVEL from ERROR to INFO, there
> is no automatic reloading. If I restart the web application, the changes
> applied. Did anybody manage to solve this with Glassfish V 3.0.1 or
> could point me to the right direction? Thanks in advance.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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